Full outfit clue hunter osrs
Full outfit clue hunter osrs

full outfit clue hunter osrs

This reduces cost and improves experience, but it's slightly random in nature and requires strict tick timings. This will not only act as a 3-tick action, but it also provides cooking experience and a chance to receive fish offcuts, which can be used as bait over feathers. Best Method: Using a knife on any of the caught fish in your inventory, then eating roe or caviar.Adding kebbit claws to any vambraces (requires 32 crafting and 23 hunter).Also, you should only have one clean herb in your inventory at a time otherwise, a menu will appear asking how many herbs you wish to turn into tar-ruining the 3-tick action. Note that if you don't fish in time or make a mistake, the herb will turn into the tar and cannot be turned back, so you may need several herbs and lots of tar (it takes 15 tar per herb). Adding swamp tar to a clean guam, marrentil or harralander with a pestle and mortar in your inventory to make their respective tars.Once you have caught a fish (or 3 ticks have passed and you haven't caught a fish), do your 3-tick action again and repeat! Some 3-tick actions are as follows: This allows you to have a chance at catching a fish every 3 ticks instead of every 5 ticks! The idea is to begin a 3-tick action, then quickly start fishing-the fishing will only take 3 ticks as a result. One way to drastically increase your exp per hour is to use 3-tick fishing. He will give you a heavy fishing rod, which will let you begin training! 3-Tick Fishing Once you have everything you need, you can head to the Barbarian outpost and begin Barbarian Training at Otto's Grotto. This reduces the amount of feathers required and gives a good amount of cooking experience! Alternatively, you can bring a knife and cut up the fish you catch into roe and fish offcuts, which can be used as bait. For 99 Fishing, you will need around 1m gp worth of feathers, so most Ironmen choose to do some Wintertodt or Thieving first to make the money needed.

full outfit clue hunter osrs

Feathers: You need bait for Barbarian Fishing, and feathers are the easiest to get (from the Port Sarim fishing shop).It's worth it to cook the fish you catch here for some brilliant cooking experience, as there is an everlasting fire right beside the fishing spots! You will need a fly fishing rod and a good amount of feathers to fish here as well, which you can buy from the Port Sarim fishing shop.

full outfit clue hunter osrs full outfit clue hunter osrs

  • 48 Fishing (58 recommended): This allows you to catch leaping trout (leaping salmon), and you should get this in the Barbarian Village just west of Varrock.
  • Alternatively, you can kill some chickens around Lumbridge this will also help you get some feathers for fishing!
  • 15 Strength: You can get this easily by doing the Waterfall Quest early on.
  • 15 Agility: You should get this in Draynor Village in the early stages of your account.
  • There are a few requirements for Barbarian Fishing, of course. This will get you around 74 Construction, which is a massive bonus so early in the game for Ironmen! This will give you even more experience from Wintertodt! Personally, I would recommend getting to level 50 Construction and then soloing Wintertodt.
  • Collect Planks: Also note that you can head to the Barbarian Outpost and collect regular planks to get your Construction level up before you start.
  • It is a very good idea to buy a house first as this will allow you to gain Construction experience in Wintertodt! You can thieve silk in Ardougne after 20 Thieving and sell it back to the Silk Trader after 5 minutes to gain the 1,000 coins required to buy a house.
  • Buy a House: Now you're ready to head to Wintertodt.
  • This should get you to the 90s in Firemaking, and you can always come back here at any time to get more!
  • Thieve Cakes: At 10 Hitpoints, you will be taking minimal damage, but you will still need some way to heal! When in Ardougne, head to the Cake Stall in the market and thieve cakes and bread until you have around 400 cakes (or as many as you want).
  • Once you have obtained the Clue Hunter Outfit (note that you only need four pieces, not the whole set) and have 50 Firemaking, you're almost ready to begin Wintertodt.

    Full outfit clue hunter osrs